Tuesday, August 19, 2008


If you are a parent or are about to become one this is a book you definitely need on your bookshelf, right next to "What to Expect - The First Year". More and more we are hearing about the environment being polluted, global warming, etc. This book gives practical advice on how to raise our children in a way that is thoughtful to the earth and healthy for our families.
I have been getting into organic living. Now that I have a beautiful human life to protect and nurture I see the importance of eating organic food, using non-toxic cleaning supplies, recycling, safe personal care products, avoiding chemicals and even using cloth diapers (gasp!).
I must attribute some of this organic makeover in past months to my friend Claire who inspires me to live in a healthier Eco-friendly way. If any of you have any questions on things you can do to help the environment and make your family safer please ask because I have been doing a lot of research on the subject. Here are a few websites for you Mommies to check out.
www.cosmeticdatabase.com This website gives safety ratings to personal products
www.gdiaper.com The latest in the cloth diaper world
www.speesees.com sells organic cotton baby clothes


Anonymous said...

Have you swapped to cloth?
I'm doing cloth with the next baby for sure!! I'd swap now, but I'm just not sure I want to invest so much in diapers at this point when I hope to be done with Gav and diapers by 2 anyways.

mallory said...

Love it! Charlottesville is a very "green" town and all about organic living. I have found that it has rubbed off on me too. I can't wait to look at these sites. Please keep posting about your organic learnings.

Claire Helena said...

You go Meg!!!! I'm so proud of you! And you have inspired me as far as the cloth diapers are concerned. Thanks for introducing me to gdiaper I can't wait to give it a try! Have a great time in NC-I look forward to catching up when your are back in MS. Love you.